Articles by John Csiszar
How to Cash a Check Without a Bank Account
Learn how you can cash a checking without going through checking or savings account. Find out where to access these alternatives and how much it could cost.
John Csiszar
How to Remove Yourself as a Co-Signer From a Loan
If you decide to co-sign for a loan, you are legally responsible to pay it back....
Should You Use Your 401(k) or IRA As a Down Payment on a House?
Most homebuyers can’t afford to pay cash for the total value of their home.
How to Build Retirement Savings When You Only Earn $30,000 Per Year
Even when your income is $30,000 per year, learn how you can budget and save for retirement -- including what accounts to use -- when cash flow isn‘t too high.
John Csiszar
How to Get Approved for a Mortgage With Two Different Credit Scores
Find out what you can do when you're seeking a joint mortgage for a home purchase and you or your joint applicant has a bad credit score.
John Csiszar
How Parents Can Help Their Children Build Good Credit
When it comes to your credit score, time is an important element.
The longer...
Should You Sell Off Investments to Pay Credit Card Debt?
There are no two ways about it -- credit card debt is a killer.
Many credit...
A Retirement Guide for 50-Year-Olds With No Retirement Savings
Follow these steps if you're age 50 and have no retirement savings. Learn which retirement accounts should take priority, in addition to the types of investments that you should consider to help grow your retirement portfolio.
John Csiszar
What Is Tax-Loss Harvesting? Why Should You Care?
Learn about the practice of tax-loss harvesting to offset the taxes on your capital gains when you also have investments with capital losses. Find out the rules for calculating capital gains and losses. See which services will harvest tax losses for you automatically -- allowing you to minimize your investments taxes.
John Csiszar
How to File Taxes When You Live and Work in Different States
Most workers have a job in the same state where they live. In fact, to many...