Articles by Lance Cothern
What is the Historical Average Stock Market Return?
Learn about the historical average stock market returns to estimate the growth of your investment and retirement portfolios.
Lance Cothern
When to Sell Your Stocks: Whether for Profit or at a Loss
Investing is likely a cornerstone of your wealth-building plan. Saving for...
How Hybrid Life Insurance Can Also Pay for Long-Term Care
As you plan for your financial future, you may have come across some scary...
Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance vs. Life Insurance: The Differences
Learn how accidental death + dismemberment coverage is different from life insurance as both policies will pay death benefits.
Lance Cothern
Domestic Partner Health Insurance: How Does It Work?.
Find out how domestic partner health insurance can be used to extend healthcare coverage (and save money on premiums) to couples who may not yet be married yet.
Lance Cothern
Indexed Universal Life Insurance: How Does It Work?
People generally build assets over time with the goal to one day retire.
In the...
Pregnancy & Health Insurance: How to Get the Right Coverage
Whether you’re pregnant or hoping to get pregnant, one thing is for...
Long Term Disability Insurance: How Does It Work?
Learn how long term disability insurance cover workers who may not be able to bring in income after a serious injury and when a private policy makes sense.
Lance Cothern
What Does a Financial Advisor Do to Help Improve Your Finances?
Learn how financial advisors can help you along your financial journey, from answering questions about complex financial matters to handling your investments.
Lance Cothern
Should You Reinvest Dividends or Take the Cash?
In the world of investing, a profitable investment isn't just defined as one that...