Articles by Peter Bennett
Banks vs. Credit Unions: Where to Get a Mortgage?
Is your bank or credit union the best place to get a mortgage? MyBankTracker breaks down the differences between the two to help you decide.
Peter Bennett
10 Ways to Copy How Rich Celebrities Save Money
Too often we read about people who spend money, lavishing millions on homes, cars,...
Avoid the 10 Worst Investments Ever With These Smarter Alternatives
MyBankTracker has compiled a haunting, nightmarish list of the worst investments...
Should You Rollover Certificate of Deposit (CD) After it Matures
With interest rates still super low, savers are asking themselves, are CDs worth it? Here are 10 options to consider as your CD approaches maturity.
Peter Bennett
How to Reduce Some of Your Mortgage Closing Fees
Learn what steps that borrowers can take to reduce the expensive fees as part of the closing costs on a mortgage during the process of buying a home.
Peter Bennett
How Amortized Fixed Rate (ARM) Mortgage Loans Works
Amortization, the word, stems from the Latin “mort,” meaning death. In real estate...
When Picking a New Bank Based on Bank Reviews Consider These Helpful Tips
Before buying a pair of movie tickets, picking a pizza restaurant, choosing a TV or...
The Disadvantages of Buying a New Car
There are many modern disadvantages of owning a car these days. Don't let them crash your finances.
Peter Bennett
10 Reasons for Taking Out a House Mortgage
There are many advantages of owning a home, although some go unappreciated or underreported.
Peter Bennett
10 Answers to Help You Get the Most from Bank Reviews
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