Articles by Rebecca Lake
What You Should Do During Your Student Loan Grace Period
Learn about the steps you can take during your student loan's grace period in order to ensure that you're prepared to repay your college debt and save money.
Rebecca Lake
Comprehensive Guide to Student Loan Forgiveness Programs
Saving an emergency fund or buying a home can be tough when student loan payments...
How to Pay Off $100,000 in Student Loans
Got an overwhelming student loan debt balance? You're not alone.
What Are Interest-Only Repayment Plans for Student Loans?
Learn how interest-only repayment plans work when it comes to student loan and find out if it is the right way for you to manage student loan debt.
Rebecca Lake
5 Strategies How to Finance a Gap Year Before College
Taking a break between high school and college is an opportunity to discover your passion but you may need to take a crash course in gap year finance first.
Rebecca Lake
What to Do When Your Online Bank Goes Under
Finding out that your online bank has failed isn't exactly the greatest news, but...
How to Stop Your Impulsive Shopping
If your first instinct is to head to the mall for a little bit of retail therapy...
Should You Postpone a Wedding to Pay Off Student Loan Debt?
Find out if it is a smart choice to postpone your wedding in order to pay off your student loan debt. Learn how to approach your finances so that you can get married while still carrying large student loan balances. Compare alternatives to make it possible to afford a wedding while making student loan payments.
Rebecca Lake
4 Instances When Spending Helps You Save
Credit is convenient but there are some situations where you're better off relying on cash. We've got some tips for how you can spend more to save more.
Rebecca Lake
4 Times You Shouldn't Pay Off Your Student Loans Early
When you're buried in student loan debt, unloading it as quickly as possible seems...