Articles by Simon Zhen
7 Rules Savings: Short-term and Long-term
When it comes to saving, following these 7 rules will ensure your maximizing your earnings.
Simon Zhen
What to do When Chase Cancels Your Credit Card
Credit cards, like other bank accounts, can change over time for many reasons.
The Importance of a High Yield Savings Account Amid a Booming Stock Market
The U.S. stock market has experienced significant growth in the past year with...
4 Steps to Getting a Credit Limit Increase
If you are a responsible spender, getting your creditors to increase your credit card limit shouldn't be too hard. Here are some tips to get you going.
Simon Zhen
Are Your Parents Secretly Rich?
Simon Zhen
6 Ways to Improve Your Haggling Strategy
The shameless procedure of haggling at local retailers is a pastime of the savvy...
Paying Off Debt: Smallest Balances vs. Highest APRs
Many consumers who’ve finally decided to become serious about clearing their credit...
How a Bank Shares Your Personal Information
Simon Zhen
3 Ways to Make Sure You 'Pay Yourself First'
Simon Zhen
Q&A: Taxes - Who Can I Claim As My Dependent?
Not every taxpayer has a clear-cut guide for claiming others as their...