Articles by Valerie Ashton
When to Use Personal Loan to Fund Continuing College Education
Find out whether it is a smart move to take out a personal loan for the purpose of funding continuing education and additional classes.
Valerie Ashton
What You Have to Consider Before Lending Money to Family and Friends
Money is a leading cause of stress in relationships, not just with couples but...
What's a Good Credit Score For a College Student?
College is a great time to make memories, get a once-in-a-lifetime education, and...
Can Your Credit Score Suffer Because You Have Student Loans?
Find out whether simply having student loan debt on your credit report can hurt your credit score, which may negatively affect your chances of qualifying for other loans in the future. Learn how your credit score is calculated and the different ways that student loans can have an impact on your credit.
Valerie Ashton
Compare Overdraft Protection Transfer Fees at the Top U.S. Banks
Learn about the costs to transfer money from your savings account to cover a purchase on your checking, known as an overdraft protection transfer. Find out how it works to help you avoid expensive overdraft fees. See what options are available when you overdraw your checking account to a point where you'll have a negative balance.
Valerie Ashton
Bring Crisp, Clean U.S. Dollar Bills When You Travel to These Countries
The phrase “Cash is King” doesn’t just apply to investment portfolios, it also...
Should Couples Open Joint Savings Accounts?
Among the things that couples disagree or argue about, money is a top...
How Parents Can Save Money for Their Children's College Education
These are all the different accounts and options available to parents who want to focus on savings money for their children's future college education.
Valerie Ashton
Can You Open a Bank Account Without Parents Knowing?
Find out how you can open a secret bank account without your parents knowing of its existence, including tips to hide the account on an ongoing basis.
Valerie Ashton
What Happens to Student Checking Accounts After Graduation?
College students can take advantage of many local perks and discounts, from annual...