Security and Freedom: Why You Should Save for Retirement
Think retirement is too far into the future to be relevant? Think again. Here's why you shouldn't downplay the urgency of saving for the future.
Kara Perez
When It's Better to Wait, Before Rolling Your 401(k) Over
Changing jobs in your 20s is to be expected, but it can put your retirement...
Should You Contribute to Your 401(k) or Pay Down Your Mortgage?
If you own a home, your mortgage is probably your largest debt and the biggest...
How to Open an IRA Retirement Account In 10 Minutes
Many people think it is a long, difficult process to open an individual retirement account (IRA). It isn't. We use Vanguard to show how easy it is.
Simon Zhen
Easy 401(k) Hacks to Get the Most Out of Your Retirement Plan
If you’ve been stashing money in your 401(k) but you’re ready to see a bigger payoff, there are a few simple tricks for getting more out of your account.
Rebecca Lake
Should You Downsize Your Home for a Retirement
Downsizing your home for retirement can be just the ticket to your golden years....
Top 10 Mistakes You Should Fix In Your Retirement Financial Plan
A dream all working people share is a secure and comfortable retirement. And we...
Strategies on How to Retire With Low Income
Think your income is too low to save for retirement? Think again. Use these four low-income retirement strategies for a financially secure future.
Anne Dullaghan
Money Mistakes You Can't Make in Your 40s
Many of us thought tomorrow would never come, but here it is, and it's time to be responsible. You should avoid money mistakes in your 40s.
Shirley Pulawski
7 Money Mistakes You Can't Make in Your 30s
So the carefree years of being in one’s 20s are over, and life is becoming more...
9 Bad Money Decisions Often Made in Your 20s
Now that I’m in my mid-twenties, it’s very apparent what financial mistakes my...
Downsizing a Home: Is it Right for You?
If you’re considering downsizing to a smaller home, the first steps you will want to take will be to determine what you have and assess your needs, both financially, and in relation to your lifestyle.
Shirley Pulawski
When and How to Start Saving for a Retirement
A guide to get yourself started on building that nest egg.
Simon Zhen
401(k) vs. Roth IRA: Which Option is Best for You?
The law of compounding tells us that the earlier you start saving, the more you...
How Interest Rate on a 401k is Calculated
Believe it or not, you can actually lend money to yourself. It's true, and it can...
401k vs. IRA: Which Retirement Plan is Better?
There are two main types of retirement plans: employer sponsored 401K plans and IRA accounts. Learn which retirement plan better for you and how to choose it.
Alexander Matjanec
What to Do With Old 401(k) Plans
Simon Zhen
How a Reverse Mortgage Works for Seniors
Reverse mortgages are intended for seniors who want to supplement the income they...
How to Open a Roth IRA: A Complete Guide
When you’re ready to start building retirement savings, you have several options...
What is Retirement Annuity: Should You Buy it?
Learn what are annuities and what are the pros and cons purchasing it. Find out if it fits your retirement plan.
Simon Zhen